FACTS Jobs - Post Secondary: (Click on job titles to see descriptions)
Summer Program Business Manager
Technical Coordinator for Community Networks
Summer Coordinator for School/Community Networks (Worldview)
Summer Coordinator for School/Community Networks
Summer Coordinator for School/Community Networks (Elementary)
Summer Coordinator for Community Networks (Post-secondary)
For FACTS jobs students will be able to work on networks of specific interest to them see - the FACTSnet Index or make a proposal for a new network.
Centralta Tourism Society Jobs (Click on link to see job descriptions)
- St-Albert: Translation Coordinator:
- Internet-Web Page Coordinator:
- Publishing Coordinator:
- Historical Research Assistant:
- Historical Research Assistant (High School):
All eligible students are encouraged to apply, preference will be given to priority students (aboriginals, disabled persons and members of visible minorities).
To apply email your resume to the appropriate address below and indicate:
* That you are an "eligible student" for a Canada Summer Job, see Eligible Student Participants
* If you belong to a priority group (Aboriginal etc.),
* Which jobs you are interested in order of priority.
To apply for a FACTS job email your resume to factsc@gmail.com.
* If you belong to a priority group (Aboriginal etc.),
* Which jobs you are interested in order of priority.
To apply for a FACTS job email your resume to factsc@gmail.com.
We accept applications until positions are filled. Most should be filled by May 13th. A notice will be posted here when they are filled.
You may also want to check out the following jobs:
OLQP Residential Summer Camp