- Anyone is allowed to comment.
- Comments are moderated so may not appear for a few days. Comments that are disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate will not be posted
- Comments are often identified by labels. If a comment relates to a resource and the resource includes medium other than text, then use labels like image, picture, video to indicate the medium. Other labels are blog specific.
- The Name/URL option is used to make a link to your comment.
- The Name option is used to for group comments (mostly classes of students) as follows:
- The group is identified in as specified in the post. If you want to create a group, make a comment using your group identifier (i.e. com1 for a community group) and describe your group.
- A dash is placed after the group identifier then the person's first name and last initial.
- Next another dash and labels (or suggested labels) related to the comment and/or other identifiers, such as search #
- The body of the comment relates to the identifiers and instructions in the post.
Commenting on FACTSnet Blogs
Most FACTSnet blogs are set up for commenting as follows:
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